Submission 1

Reporting Category Score Student Comments
Program Purpose and Function 1 Program purpose, functionality, input, and output are clearly given.
Data Abstraction 0 2 of 3 criteria is not met. Both code segments are provided, but second segmentis not acessing data from the list.
Managing Complexity 0 Does not manage the complexity.
Procedural Abstraction 0 Missing data abstraction and complexity management. The parameter passes through the series of If, Else if statements and results in a different output depending on both the user’s input and the computer’s input.
Algorithm Implementation 1 Loop, iteration and sequencing is provided. CLearly explains program so it can be remade.
Testing 1 Two calls are described. Each condition is tested and the results are described.

Submission 2

Reporting Category Score Student comments
Program Purpose and Function 1 Program purpose, functionality, input, and output are clearly given.
Data Abstraction 1 Program segments are shown, the list variable is identified, and the data of the list is used in the program.
Managing Complexity 1 Program had a list being used to manage complexity. Explained how the program uses the list.
Procedural Abstraction 1 Student developed procedure.
Algorithm Implementation 1 Loop, iteration and sequencing is provided and could be recreated.
Testing 1 Two calls are described. Output clearly shows the result.

Submission 3

Reporting Category Score Student comments
Program Purpose and Function 1 Program purpose, functionality, input, and output are clearly given.
Data Abstraction 0 No criteria met.
Managing Complexity 0 Manages complexity but not effectively and did not explain how.
Procedural Abstraction 0 Student developed procedure, but lacks data.
Algorithm Implementation 0 No iteration included.
Testing 0 No calls.

Submission 4

Reporting Category Score Student comments
Program Purpose and Function 1 Program purpose, functionality, input, and output are clearly given.
Data Abstraction 1 Program segments are provided as well as the list variable.
Managing Complexity 1 Manages complexity and explains how other ways to manage.
Procedural Abstraction 1 Student developed procedure.
Algorithm Implementation 1 Detailed enoguh to be recreated
Testing 0 Results from calls are not very good