Sample F

Reporting Category Student Score College Board Score Student Comments
Program Purpose and Function 1 0 Provided clear explanation of what the program is meant to do and how it can function based on a users input.
Data Abstraction 1 1 2 segments of code are shown and an explanation of how the code is implemented into the program is given.
Managing Complexity 0 0 This way of managing complexity is inefficent
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 Both program code segments provided and thorougly explained.
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 Has explanation which could allow others to recreate the program.
Testing 1 1 Each call result given with explanations of how they are tested.

Sample A

Reporting Category Student Score College Board Score Student Comments
Program Purpose and Function 1 1 Game's purpose is clearly explained and how it is used is explained as well.
Data Abstraction 1 1 2 segments of code are shown and an explanation of how the code is implemented into the program is given.
Managing Complexity 1 1 Explains how a list is used in the program and how it is the most efficent way to manage complexity.
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 The program code segments are given and thorougly explained.
Algorithm Implementation 0 1 Does not provide clear information which could help recreate program.
Testing 1 1 Each call result given with explanations of how they are tested.