
  • Simulation: A simpler abstraction of a very complicated natural phenomena
    • Does not implement things that are to difficult to simulate
    • Uses less resources and better for predictions
    • Can use a psuedo-random number generator to represent things like roling a dice

Answer Table

Name: Ahmad Qais Jamili

3: A: To mock imperfections from the real world

4: B: Other aircraft

5: C: Situation considered

6: A: Simulation

7: A: Simulation

9: B: Experiment/calculation

Extra Credit

import random
print("Welcome to the guessing numbers simulation!")
n = random.randrange(1,100)
guess = int(input("Enter a number (1-100): "))
while n!= guess:
    if guess < n:
        print("Try to guess a higher number.")
        guess = int(input("Enter a number again: "))
    elif guess > n:
        print("Go lower.")
        guess = int(input("Enter a number again: "))
print("you guessed it right!!")
Welcome to the guessing numbers simulation!
Try to guess a higher number.
Try to guess a higher number.
Try to guess a higher number.
Try to guess a higher number.
Try to guess a higher number.
Try to guess a higher number.
Try to guess a higher number.
Try to guess a higher number.
Try to guess a higher number.
Go lower.
Go lower.
you guessed it right!!