
This is some vocabulary that I have learned throughout these lessons.

Variables, Data Types, Assignment Operators Managing Complexity with Variables: Lists, 2D Lists, Dictionaries, Class Algorithms, Sequence, Selection, Iteration Expressions, Comparison Operators, Booleans Expressions and Selection, Booleans Expressions and Iteration, Truth Tables Characters, Strings, Length, Concatenation, Upper, Lower, Traversing Strings Python If, Elif, Else conditionals; Nested Selection Statements Python For, While loops with Range, with List Combining loops with conditionals to Break, Continue Procedural Abstraction, Python Def procedures, Parameters, Return Values

While loop: Code goes through elemetnts over and over again

Loops repeat something and its executed after its completed the repetition

Booleans- Recongnizes true/false

Iteration: Code goes through a segment

Pop: Takes away something at the end of the list

Increment/Decrement: Modifies the counter variable after each repetition

Array: Another name for a list

Initialization: What sets the counter variable to a starting value

Condition: Allows the computer to know whether or not to keep repeating the loop

Indexing: The position of an elemnt in a list starting from 0

List Index: The position of an element in a list starting from 0

Parameters: input values of a procedure

Arguments: specify values of the paramaters when the procedure is called

Append/Remove/Pop: Various methods, append adds an element to the end, remove removes at an index, and pop removes the last item

Elements: Item in a list

Modularity: An splitting large procedures into smaller ones with more uses

Binary: A basee two numbering system

Return: sends the output of the procedure to where it was called

Variable: data that is assigned to and held within a chosen name

Loop: a system where a segment of code is repeated until a requirement is met

Procedure: a named group of instructions that have paramaters and return values

Procedural Abstraction: name for a process that allow a procedure to be used by only knowing what it does

Notes on lesson 5-7

Nested conditional:

  • A conditional inside of a conditional
  • Often used in algorithms in order to print specific data or run certain tasks.
  • We can use conditionals inside conditionals to create further conditions in algorithms.
  • We can use flowcharts to help display an easy to understand diagram of what we want a code segment to do.


  • Binary variable with only two possible values, "true" or "false"

Relational Operators:

  • Multiple operators which are used to evaluate 2 variables.
  • In pseudocode the relational operators are =, >, <, ≠, ≥, and ≤.
  • Other languages use different formats to represent these operators.
    • For example, Python uses != instead of ≠.
  • These operators help determine the boolean value of a statement.

Logical Operators:

  • Allow for boolean values to be evaluated.
  • Pseudocode uses the logical operators NOT, AND, and OR.
    • Javascript uses the same logic, but uses different ways to represent the operators: &&(and), | |(or), |(not).


  • Finite set of instructions that accomplish a specific task

Conditional Statements:

  • Conditional statements allow the code to act based on multiple conditions, such as user input or stored data.
  • We can use conditionals in algorithms in order to receive different outputs from a set of code, and help achieve the general purpose of the algorithm.


  • Two broad types of conditional statements are if statements and if-else statements
    • if statement: will go through certain statements if the if expression is true
    • if-else statement: will go through a statement no matter what, but the statement which is run depends on the if expression is true or false

Flow Charts

  • We can use flowcharts to help organize the process of conditional statements.