Sample I

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Program Purpose and Function 0 0 Didn't explain what the program is used for and how he coded it. There was no purpose given instead he just said " The purpose of this code is for you to see all the animals and to identify them when you're asked later" which is more of a explanation of what it does and not why someone would want to use it.
Data Abstraction 0 0 Not enough detail was given. Provided 2 distinct code segments which identifies as animalList, but animalList is not being used in either code segment.
Managing Complexity 0 0 Nothing was shown.
Procedural Abstraction 1 0 Parameters for function are shown and explained how they are used for the program.
Algorithm Implementation 1 0 Loop, iteration and sequencing is provided.
Testing 0 1 Two calls are described. Each condition is tested and the results are given.

Sample B

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Program Purpose and Function 1 1 Provided clear explanation of what the program is meant to do and how it can function based on a users input.
Data Abstraction 1 1 Provided two distinct code segments. First code segment shows data being stored in the identified list and the second shows the data being accessed from an identified list under a new name since it is passed as a parameter.
Managing Complexity 1 1 Provided list which manages complexity. Also explained how the code would be written differently without the list and how it would make the code more cluttered.
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 Provided student-developed procedure, createPoems, with four parameters that are used in the procedure. Parameters for function are shown and explained how they are used for the program.
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 Loop, iteration and sequencing is provided. Explained in detail how the algorithm in the procedure works so it can be recreated.
Testing 1 1 They also explained what the conditions were. Two calls are described. Each condition is tested and the results are given.

Sample D

Reporting Category Student Score College Board Score Student Comments
Program Purpose and Function 1 1 Provided the functionality of program and demonstrated the input and output in video.
Data Abstraction 1 1 Two code segments are provided. The first segment shows data being stored in the identified list, and a second segment shows data being accessed from the list in a loop via a parametermthat is set to the identified list.
Managing Complexity 1 1 Provided includes a list that combines six rankings and an image URL for a single character into one collection to pass to the function that determines a winner, managing complexity in the program code.
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 Provided a student-developed procedure, findWinner, with two parameters that are used in the procedure.
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 Explains in detail how the algorithm in the procedure works so it can be recreated.
Testing 1 1 Provides two calls to the procedure with different arguments that lead to different results from the procedure. The first call uses the arguments Vision and Bishop.

Sample G

Reporting Category Student Score College Board Score Student Comments
Program Purpose and Function 1 1 Provided the program's purpose and how it works, and described the input and output.
Data Abstraction 1 0 Two code segments are provided.
Managing Complexity 1 0 Provided a list in the program code which is used to manage complexity.
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 Provided procedure called isitcorrect, with one explicit parameter, checkanswer, and a call to this procedure in a second code segment using the argument, answer.
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 Explains in detail how the algorithm in the procedure works so it can be recreated.
Testing 0 0 Provides the conditions being tested rather than two different arguments that cause a different segment of code to execute.