My N@TM Experience

My experience at Night at the Musuem was really fun. I enjoyed socializing with my peers and seeing their hardwork come to life.I also liked explaining my groups project to people. I especially liked presenting my function. I saw many interesting projects made by other. Alongside seeing these projects, I was able to try them out and ask about the time and effort put into the work. The teachers were also present, offering constructive feedback and praising the hard work of the participants. The event gave me a chance to learn new skills and techniques from other participants, which I plan to incorporate into my future projects.Through N@TM I’ve come to a realization that you are able to see how much thought and creativity it takes to create a website that can be of use for the real world. I took pictures of a few of the pieces which were put onto display.

Photo Before exploring the photography classroom I was never really interested in photography but after seeing this picture of the beach I feel obligated to learn more. I like how the photo puts in you into someone elses shoes and shows you how they perceive the beach

Dolphin1 This website was really cool to play around with because it relates to fitness which is something I am very fond of. My friend helped create this website and I’ve heard him talk about it a lot so it was really nice to see what he’s been putting his time into. This website has many intreguing features such as a BMI calculator and a calorie management feature. Dolphin2 Dolphin3

Snake1 I’ve seen a snake game before so seeing this wasn’t super interesting. I did like hearing about the process they took to make it and how each group member contributed. The scoring, controls, settings, and appearance were all such simple things to look at but the code for it was really advanced. Snake2 Snake3

Tesk This is Eli’s group project and it is for car rentals. I really liked their format of the website and I thought the idea of car rentals was unique and useful. The input with the api’s were all working effectively and I think its a good project possibly one of my favorites.