
        Psychology- Study of the human mind and its functions
         Mental health- A humans emotional well being
         Depression- Severe sadness inherited by a human
         Anxiety- Excessive nervousness or worrying about activities 
         Stress- Mental state which results from demanding circumstances
         Emotion- Mood or feeling from someone
         Habits- Common actions taken by someone

Gratitude list

I am thankful for the roof over my head, my family, my teachers, food, my neighborhood, San Diego, my brother, my dog, video games, clothes, and air conditioning. —

Note of Gratitude

I made a note of gratitude to my mom and to my friend. I told my friend how much I appreciated him. He said thank you but there was nothing else beyond that. I told my mom that I am very thankful for her and for everything that she does for me. She said that she is glad that I understand what she does for me and my brother. —

My goals

I want to, be happy, get all A’s, do good in rugby, advance in my clubs, create my own brand, get my permit, and get a job.